Having been founded in 1994 by sensei Norbert Glaßl (5th dan karate, 4th dan tonfa jutsu, 2nd dan kobudo), KARATE-DOJO SHOGUN HOF e. V. practises traditional karate of the style "shotokan" with the priority on tai-sabaki movements. "Tai-sabaki" means to let the attack of the opponent miss by quick body turns, in order to then break the balance of the attacker and to finish the action with a finishing-blow technique.

Every karate pupil learns from the very beginning to stop all blows and kicks in front of the body of the training partner. Hitting effects are forbidden. As the karate techniques may achieve a devastating effect in case of emergency when practised correctly, a responsible handling with the skills is a decisive prerequisite for the training of this art of fighting.

Owing to the constant and hard training, the karatéka (how the karate fighter is called) acquires an outstanding physical fitness as well as a perfect body control accompanied by a mental process of maturity and secure self-consciousness. It is remarkable how our pupils mature into considerate people owing to the optimal training.

Tai-Sabaki® karate was developed by Grand Master Hideyuki Ashihara. Most important principles of Tai-Sabaki® karate are fairness and respect towards the training partner. We represent the delivered philosophy of Japanese Grand Masters which means:

1.) Observe the etiquette!
2.) Train with enthusiasm!
3.) Always strive for making physical and mental progresses!
4.) Try to excel yourself!
5.) Show calmness!
6.) Strive for perfection in the spirit of karate!

Basic principle of Tai-Sabaki Karate

The basic principle of
Tai-Sabaki® karate are
circle movements.
Thus it is possible to
neutralize the power
of the attacker.

Tai-Sabaki® karate is equally suitable for all age groups, for women, men, and children. Learning more and more complex movements requires discipline, concentration, and retentiveness - an educational performance making karate recommendable especially even for children. The progress in training reflects also directly on the living situation outside the dojo.

The techniques acquired in the training can be practised in every self-defence situation.

You recognize the respective training level of a karatéka by the colour of his belt he gets after having passed the examination. The pupil degrees (kyu) range from white to brown, masters wear the black belt (dan). The achievement of the black belt does not mean the end in the development of a karatéka, however. On the contrary, we try to improve our methods and techniques permanently in a continuous learning process, in order to achieve a higher degree of knowledge and skill.

Tai-Sabaki® karate promises success to the one who is prepared to go beyond his personal limits!